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There is no better time to take charge of your life than now!

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Learn from serial-entrepreneur Dorothy Andreas

In the early 90’s my business was growing. My sons were tiny. My marriage was failing. I was just elected as the first American woman to preside over an international organization in the beauty industry. And then, an electrical fire caused us to lose everything but the shirts on our backs. And that same week I learned that my business manager had wreaked havoc on the bank accounts. 

When the regional director heard about the fire, he contacted me and suggested someone to replace me. I realized the story for the rest of my life would be; she couldn’t handle the stress. I went into overdrive. Sleeping 5 hours a night and working a straight 19 to cover my bases.  

What stopped me? My youngest son, then 4, was getting every form of “I’m too busy for you”. He crawled up on lap, took my face in his little hands and said “mom, you’re not fun anymore”. I could see the negative fallout in my older son too. We were living in a rental unit, with rental furniture and clothing our friends scraped together for us.  

That day I made a decision; Sink or Swim. I started shredding every single activity I did. I cut fat, delegated, asked for help, got support, and mostly, figured out how to make every single second count. As people started making the comment, “how do you do it all, there isn’t enough time”, I repeated, Yes! There is Enough Time!.  

This course was launched in 1995 to help the busiest people I knew to stay on track, to find joy and work at a level of excellence that their revenues, happiness, energy and effectiveness all started to explode. Over the past 25 years I’ve modified this as times have changed.  

I invite you to step in. Fully engage in the process. Go deeper in answering the questions than you have ever gone before. It is through this process that you will start to see clear patterns emerge. Once you distinguish what is working and what is not, it is far easier to design the life you desire. They key is being rigorously honest with yourself. Allow this program to be the foundation for achieving what you have always desired. This gift will reward you for the remainder of your life.